Saturday, July 12, 2008

earth therapeutics anti-stress eye mask / anti-stress jet lag pack

i feel great the whole day today.. because for the first time in a long long time, i had a good night's sleep..

i didn't get to sleep early.. i think it was almost 12 when i slept.. i had a headache the whole day yesterday..

so before i went to sleep, i put on my anti-stress eye mask.. and was able to sleep immediately (and i usually have a hard time sleeping even when i'm tired).. and slept undisturbed until my alarm clock went off this morning.. and i didn't feel groggy or fatigued like i usually do.. even during some saturdays that i wake up very late.. in fact, i was able to get up after the first song from my ipod ended.. normally i wait until 4 or more have played..

and the whole day i felt energized.. i didn't feel sleepy.. not even during the drive home.. i was alert the whole time! normally it's such a struggle for me to keep awake when i drive home after 10pm..

and i attribute all these to my having used the anti-stress eye mask last night.. which i got as part of the jet lag pack..

The Jet Lag Bag
the mind repair and massage lotion are actually great as well in easing headaches and shoulder tensions.. i admit drinking paracetamol will have the same effect.. but i'm trying to avoid medications right now.. as i believe my sickness early this year was made worse by too much neozep.. :p

* photo from earth therapeutics

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